
Potted Perennials Starts 2017

These plants were overwintered here at Olallie, Moved in 4" squares and grown on. Available May 1.

All plants are $4.00 shipped bareroot and wrapped in plastic to retain soil and moisture. Contact us if interested in either shipment or pickup of plants.

 Name             Quantity

Catmint: Nepeta  Add to Cart  : grey green foliage, blue flowers, great in drifts, sunny dry locations 





Echinacea tennesseensis Add to cart Narrower foliage, more drought resistant


Alpine Foxglove Digitalis lutea : Perennial with tiny pale straw yellow flowers, very cute. Quite hardy here in Vermont.


Echinacea purpurea  : Classic Purple Coneflower. Plant in drifts and watch the butterflies come!


Campanula punctata hondoensis : Short rhizomatous running plants with flowers of white tubular bells and red tints. We've grown it before and was quite manageable here in Vermont.


Aquilegia purple : From plants growing here for years. Consistent purple color and relatively long lived, hardier type?


Veronica longifolia pink : Very tall pink spires. From outside seed source. Haven't seen these yet but  V. longifolia is a great plant, big enough to compete well, and the foliage is a glossy green that always looks healthy.


Malva alba : White Mallow flowers, very

finely incised foliage. Hardy here in Vermont. This plant pops up here and there here on the farm in Vermont. Grows to 3 feet but tends to sprawl too.


Adenaphora : Campanula relative, will naturalize. From and outside source (locally collected). These are typically found growing in cracks of sidewalks and retaining walls.  It meay prefer a drier location. Will seed in I expect.


Rose Milkweed : coming....




Baptisia : Add to cart Slow to mature, but strong growing long live plants. From plants growing here for decades.

Beautiful foliage early on, spectacular blooms and interesting brown seed pods. Can flop a bit at the end of the season.





Iris ensata : Iris ensata mix from Olallie. Japanese Iris from various plants growing here at Olallie in Vermont. There is variation in height and color . Typically blues and purples predominate, but white and  mixed colors can appear too. Soil needs to be on the acidic side.


Mentha : Mint. Contact Us


Queen Annes Lace : 2nd year for these plants. They are biennials and so will bloom this year. Carrot ancestor, smells like a carrot, and is favorite fodder for Swallowtail Butterflies.


Catnip : The classic Cat favorite. From plants here on the farm: Contact Us


Campanula trachelium : A vigorous seeder that  pops up everywhere in mixed colors. Very adapable, sun or shade. colors really vary, even on the same plant.


Sedum mix : Low growing cascading types, for rockwalls and containers


Digitalis obscura : Unusual red flowered perennial from Spain Zone 4. second year growing this plant, have yet to see it bloom. Contact Us.


Fragaria RegentLarger fruited Alpine Strawberries, which are non running. Fruit is still quite small compare to store bought commercial varieties.