A Three Generation Daylily Farm, Organically Growing Hardy Daylilies, Located in the Foothills of Vermont's Green Mountains.





 Species, by Color, by Height,  by Bloom time, by Flower size

                       Olallie Cultivars, Name A Daylily, Oddities

 We are growers of hardy field grown plants. We ship weekly (in season) throughout the US. we have shipped internationally too.

 Daylily Species

One of our specialties is species and species-like hybrids. We feel these are largely over-looked and valuable additions to any garden.

The daylily species have survived for millennia. They will grow in your garden!!


A mass of Hemerocallis citrina is a sight to behold! As a nocturnal bloomer, it blooms into the evening making a spectacular show in the evening. It's flowers glowing in the fading light.


 We Offer A Complete Palette of Daylily Choices: Unique, Special and Choice!


With decades of hybridizing and collecting, we have one of the most unusual and unique collection in the world.



 Name A Daylily: You pick the name, we do the rest!

Naming a daylily is a great gift for friends, family or even yourself.

We are constantly developing new daylilies and are happy to offer the opportunity for others to provide a name for them, as they all start out with only a number. Each daylily is unique with no other like it in the world. These daylilies were developed here in Vermont.  








Who We Are (Farm history)      

We are daylily growers and breeders, working to develop hardy long lived cultivars that thrive in Zones 4 and warmer.


 .    .      
As growers of over 2500 cultivars of daylilies with new varieties developed every year. We select our plants based not only on color but also hardiness, vigor, performance and other attributes.

A Day in the Country
The daylily bloom season runs from June through September. Peak Season is in July-August with tens of thousands of blooms.


During peak season we are open 7 days a week!
If you are coming and want to pick up a large order, please call in advance, so we can have it ready when you get here. There are many other daylilies to see which are not available through the catalog.


This map should help guide you through the winding Vermont roads.

We also maintain over four hundred high bush blueberries. Pick your own from mid July through August. They're organic and delicious. Visitors are welcome to stroll the fields, pick blueberries, and explore. 

The main six-acre field brims with daylilies and other perennials and annuals. Grass paths meander through the beds of flowers. Bring a picnic, there are picnic tables and benches and tables with market umbrellas for your use. 

We plant, grow, dig and pack our daylilies by hand so you get fresh, hardy, quality plants shipped the same day they were dug.

If you're coming to see for yourself, we'll dig them while you wait (even in the rain)!Planting instructions are sent to help with planting and care.

You get the individual attention of a small family farm, combined with 40+ years of experience growing daylilies.


Daylilies live virtually forever, so by selecting daylilies from Olallie Daylily Gardens you get plants that are not only unusual and hardy but an excellent investment!

 Buy From Us Because     

 Our plants are field grown in organic compost-enriched soils. 

Our daylilies are proven hardy in our rugged cold climate, with no protective mulch and no chemical sprays. We give them only water, natural fertilizers, and hand weeding. 

Planting instructions are sent for easy care and cultivation.

More About Daylilies:
If you want to learn more about gardening with daylilies, the early development of daylily hybrids, joining the daylily society, the origins of daylilies in the wild, or early uses of the daylily, we have that information available for you.


 A Three Generation Family Farm
 Organically Growing Hardy Daylilies 
Located in the Foothills of Vermont's Green Mountains.

October 8, 2019

We are closed for the season, for both mail order and walk-in sales. we will be shipping again in Late April 2020

 Species, by Color, by Height,  by Bloom time, by Flower size

                       Olallie Cultivars, Name A Daylily, Oddities

 We are growers of hardy field grown plants. We ship weekly (in season) throughout the US. we have shipped internationally too.

 Daylily Species

One of our specialties is species and species-like hybrids. We feel these are largely over-looked and valuable additions to any garden.

The daylily species have survived for millennia. They will grow in your garden!!

H. citrina growing with Geranium 'Johnson's Blue'


 We Offer A Complete Palette of Daylily Choices: Unique, Special and Choice!  

With decades of hybridizing and collecting, we have one of the most unusual and unique collection in the world.








 Name A Daylily: You pick the name, we do the rest!

Naming a daylily is a great gift for friends, family or even yourself.

We are constantly developing new daylilies and are happy to offer the opportunity for others to provide a name for them, as they all start out with only a number. Each daylily is unique with no other like it in the world. These daylilies were developed here in Vermont.  









Who We Are (Farm history)      

We are daylily growers and breeders, working to develop hardy long lived cultivars that thrive in Zones 4 and warmer.


As growers of over 2500 cultivars of daylilies with new varieties developed every year. We select our plants based not only on color but also hardiness, vigor, performance and other attributes.

A Day in the Country
The daylily bloom season runs from June through September. Peak Season is in July-August with tens of thousands of blooms.

During peak season we are open 7 days a week!

If you are coming and want to pick up a large order, please call in advance, so we can have it ready when you get here. There are many other daylilies to see which are not available through the catalog.

This map should help guide you through the winding Vermont roads.


We also maintain over four hundred high bush blueberries. Pick your own from mid July through August. They're organic and delicious. Visitors are welcome to stroll the fields, pick blueberries, and explore. 

The main six-acre field brims with daylilies and other perennials and annuals. Grass paths meander through the beds of flowers. Bring a picnic, there are picnic tables and benches and tables with market umbrellas for your use. 

We plant, grow, dig and pack our daylilies by hand so you get fresh, hardy, quality plants shipped the same day they were dug.

If you're coming to see for yourself, we'll dig them while you wait (even in the rain)!Planting instructions are sent to help with planting and care.

You get the individual attention of a small family farm, combined with 40+ years of experience growing daylilies.


Daylilies live virtually forever, so by selecting daylilies from Olallie Daylily Gardens you get plants that are not only unusual and hardy but an excellent investment!

 Buy From Us Because     

 Our plants are field grown in organic compost-enriched soils. 

Our daylilies are proven hardy in our rugged cold climate, with no protective mulch and no chemical sprays. We give them only water, natural fertilizers, and hand weeding. 

Planting instructions are sent for easy care and cultivation.

More About Daylilies:
If you want to learn more about gardening with daylilies, the early development of daylily hybrids, joining the daylily society, the origins of daylilies in the wild, or early uses of the daylily, we have that information available for you.


Our experience here at Olallie Daylily Gardens is that the species always seem to strike a chord in people.

It may be that with all the fancy ruffles and eyezones of current hybrids, the pure clean lines of the species are particularly appealing. One area in need of investigation is the use of daylilies in cooking.

There has been some research that indicates that different daylily cultivars differ in flavor in many ways. In China the daylilies are used extensively in cooking. The spent blossoms, buds, shoots and even the roots are edible and used in cooking in Asia.

The species featured on this page are later-season bloomers and typically are tall. The miscellaneous species listed are daylilies which we grow that are or could be species. Cultivars such as Tetrinas Daughter are interesting as they are tetraploid deratives of H. citrina.


Japan Hybrid in full bloom 6/26/07.

Hemerocallis citrina thunbergii
Hemerocallis citrina thunbergii
appears virtually identical to H. citrina vespertina but blooms about 2 weeks later and thus into September.

Hemerocallis citrina thunbergii
is a mass of buds in July 29, 2008. Another vigorous grower as are all the H. citrina types this cultivar also has lots of hybridizing potential



Hybrids of Hemerocallis citrina vespertina and Hemerocallis citrina thunbergii display many interesting traits including petal shape, yellow shades and scape height. Hybrids almost 7 feet tall are possible.
Hemerocallis multiflora

Hemerocallis multiflora produces and unbelievable number of buds, upwards of between 40-80 buds per scape are possible. Hemerocallis multiflora with tiny 2.5-3" blooms will bloom well into September here in Vermont. The foliage is upright much like the H. citrina types.

Hemerocallis multiflora
is typically described as having orange colored blooms. This variant is more yellow and came from Dr George Darrow.

 Hemerocallis multiflora produces such a profusion of blooms and tiny seed pods.

Hemerocallis sempervirens


 Hemerocallis sempervirens
is a particularly late blooming species, beginning in mid to late August here in Vermont. The coloration and spreading habit seem to indicate a relation to Hem. fulva.

Hemerocallis sempervirens does not grow very vigorously in Vermont. But has survived the winter with no problem.

The foliage of Hemerocallis sempervirens exhibits a somewhat loose spreading habit but doesn't increase as quickly and aggresively as H. fulva.

Additional Hemerocallis


Hemerocallis coreana is a relatively new acquisition. H. coreana does not seem to be a very vigorous bloomer here in Vermont.

This cultivar could very well be H. citrina except that it didn't come from Dr Darrow's original collection and was never labellled as H. citrina.

This hybrid of Hem. citrina and Hem. hakuensis exhibits some of the characteristics of both species, the lemon yellow color of H. citrina and the trumpt shape of H. hakuensis.


Hemerocallis types

Hemerocallis multiflora type is one of our cultivar which fits most of the criteria of H. multiflora but just isn't as floriferous as our origanal H. multiflora.

Tetrina's Daughter' is a tetraploid derivative of H. citrina, with many of the charactristics of H. citrina.

Tetrina's Grandson is a recent acquisition and as such not much is known about it other than it is another tetraploid derivative of H. citrina.




When to come:
The daylilies bloom from June through September. Peak season lasts from late July through August. It is breath-taking to behold the main six acre field in full bloom. June is also delightful, with the subtler shades of the Siberian Iris and the intensity of the early yellow shaded daylilies. Visitors are welcome to wander along the grass paths which meander through our gardens.

Before you come:
If you want to pick up a large order, please call in advance, so we can have it ready when you get here. There is a map to help guide you through the winding Vermont roads. Our Season Calendar is here. Peak season we will be open seven days a week (mid July-mid August).

Besides Daylilies:
We grow many different species and varieties of Iris. We are now offering an ever increasing selection of perennials, in addition the our extensive daylily collection.

We maintain over four hundred high bush blueberries in three patches. Pick your own from mid July through August. There are at least six varieties which are organically grown and delicious.

Discovering Nature:
In the woods and fields, the farm also harbors various wildlife habitats and natural plantings. You'll findf rog and fish ponds, occupied bird houses, rock gardens, bog plantings, border collies, a rare stand of northern bamboo and more. There are tables with umbrellas and benches for your picnics.


Puppy Gael when she was just a young-un 

In just corner of one of our beds the amazing diversity of daylilies is exhibited.

Talls, eyed, reds and different seasons all crowded together.


Olallie Christopher

 Jasper and Molly handweed
the beds in June

Color catalogs, field guides and fresh cut flowers at Olallie

Olallie entrance sign


The Garden House

Our Garden House is our summer base of operations. It is a simple post and beam structure built by a local carpenter. Start there for help, our catalog, brochures, field map or just as a meeting place.


Great Reasons to Grow Daylilies

Long Lived
Daylilies are among the longest-lived garden plants.
Easy to increase
You can easily propagate daylilies, producing additional plants for your garden.
Trouble free
Daylilies are low maintenance plants and are easy to grow. Few pests bother them.
Because of their amazing root structure and winter dormancy,daylilies are forgiving growers even in the most adverse conditions.
Daylilies thrive in moist conditions, yet they are ranked as one of the top five drought resistant plants. Daylilies bloom best infull sun but will perform well in partly sunny locations as well.

Great Reasons to Order From Us

Organic Plants
Our plants are field grown, fertilized with compost and organic solutions and hand weeded without herbicides or pesticides.
Hardy Plants
Our plants are proven hardy in our rugged cold climate where they thrive, even with no protective mulch.
Healthy Plants
Daylily rust, a new leaf disease, has been spreading in someZone 7 or warmer gardens. We have never had rust. Our Zone 4 winters prevent rust from establishing.
Fresh Plants
On shipping day your plants are dug, hand rinsed, packed, and shipped. We ship at the beginning of the week to ensure that plants arrive as quickly as possible.
Hands-on attention
As business owners with over 25 years of horticultural experience, we are involved in every step of your order.
Information and support
Our catalog and website are packed with information. Instructions for easy care and cultivation are included in everyorder. We welcome phone calls, too.
Tradition and experience
We are the largest and longest operating daylily nursery in Vermont. With over ten acres under cultivation, we grow over 2000 different daylily cultivars.
Breeders and growers
As members of the Daylily Society we are actively involved inall aspects of daylily culture and breeding and keep abreast of daylily developments and trends.


Hemerocallis species have some issues as to true identification. The various species interbreed very easily and can produce offspring which are similar to the parents but with differences in bloomtime, shape and color. The daylilies described on these pages are our best guess as to species types. Some of the species originated from Dr. George Darrow, others were acquired from additional sources. We are constantly looking for new species or new sources for some of the same species in order to verify the true identity of the species.

There are some species which we can't grow here in Vermont as they are evergreen and dont survive the winter. Other species such as H. sempervirens and H. lilioasphodelus are slow increasers but survive the winters just fine.

There is also a daylily species named after Dr George Darrow. its is called Hemerocallis darrowiana. It has never been grown in cultivation and is only found on the Sakhalin Island which is north of Japan.

This link will tell you a little more about this daylily H. darrowiana

Hem. citrina vespertina
hybrids tower over the other daylilies around them.

Hemerocallis fulva

Hemerocallis fulva
Commonly known as the Orange Roadside Lily, the Ditch Lily or even Tigerlily is probably the best known daylily in the U.S. if not the world. With an aggressive spreading habit and tall showy orange blooms, it never fails to make an impression.


Linda, a Hem fulva hybrid developed by Dr Stout in the 1930's has many of the characteristics of H. fulva but not the invasive spreading habit.

Hemerocallis fulva:
The spreading habit is clearly visiible as are the tall scapes

Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso'is a spreading variant with double blossoms. Below is the rarer variegated version of "Kwanso'. The variegated leaves can revert
and so the all green shoots must be removed in order to retain a variegated stand
Hemerocallis hakuensis


 Hemerocallis hakuensis begins blooming in early July here in Vermont. Hem hakuensis produces numerous orange-yellow trumpet-shaped blooms. Good growth and high seed set are characteristic of this species.

Hemerocallis hakuensis
can produce up to 35 buds per scape and blooms well into August.

  Hem. hakuensis and Hem citrina vespertina blooming side by side, July 29 2008.H. hakuensis is in full bloom whereas H. citr vespertina is just beginning.

Hemerocallis altissima


 Hem. altissima
produces lemon yellow blooms on scapes up to 5-6 feet tall.

Hem. altissima produces masses of upward facing blooms in mid July.

The foliage of Hem. altissima like most of the H. citrina complex is tall vigorous and seems to be very disease resistant.

Hemerocallis citrina

 Hemerocallis citrina
Also called the Citron lily has a lemony scent and is nocturnal. Flowers open late in the day and remain open through midday the next day. Trumpet shape,lemon yellow spider-like blooms are typical of H. citrina. Here H. ctrina blooms along with Geranium 'Johnson's Blue", July 8, 2007.

Hem. citrina exhibits much variation. Above is a H. citrina type we discovered.

This H. citrina was photographed at Tranquil Lake Nursery in Mass.

Strong growth and tall vigorous foliage is typical of all H. citrina types.


Hemerocallis citrina vespertina

Hemerocallis citrina vespertina
is an a variant of H. citrina and depending on the taxonomy is a subspecies or a seperate species. Extremely tall with wide branching it makes a wonderful show and has huge breeding potential

Hem. citr. vesp. blooms from mid July into the end of August.

Hemerocallis citr. vesp. typically has 4" trumpet shaped blooms but through hybridization a large variation of size and shape can be achieved.