Well before the daylilies begin blooming, we enjoy the appearance of a variety of wildflowers and violets. The Violets seem to pop up in various spots in both sun and shade, but typically tucked under a tree or near some rocks.

The wildflowers appear in the understory of trees on the edges of fields. They bloom and go dormant surprisingly quickly. 


Viola sororia 'Freckles': A large patch of these just appeared this year!


Viola sororia priceana AKA Confederate Violets: These seem to be a cross between common purple and white V. sororia.

The common name seems to refer to the uniforms worn by the Confederate troops.


Viola pubescens (I believe), I serendipitously captured this spider making it's home under one leaf of the violet.


Primula veris: Not truly a wildflower, as I planted these but I love them. Blooming early in the spring in shady and part sunny locations,

I enjoy the way they pop up here and there.

Dog Tooth Violets, Wild Ginger and some small Dutch Man's Breeches all coexist in a woodland garden under an old 

Apple tree. This garden was planted over 50 years ago I believe.

A large patch of wild Ginger growing next to our little stream.