When to come:
The daylilies bloom from June through September. Peak season lasts from late July through August. It is breath-taking to behold the main six acre field in full bloom. June is also delightful, with the subtler shades of the Siberian Iris and the intensity of the early yellow shaded daylilies. Visitors are welcome to wander along the grass paths which meander through our gardens.
Before you come:
If you want to pick up a large order, please call in advance, so we can have it ready when you get here. There is a map to help guide you through the winding Vermont roads. Our Season Calendar is here. Peak season we will be open seven days a week (mid July-mid August).
Besides Daylilies:
We grow many different species and varieties of Iris. We are now offering an ever increasing selection of perennials, in addition the our extensive daylily collection.
We maintain over four hundred high bush blueberries in three patches. Pick your own from mid July through August. There are at least six varieties which are organically grown and delicious.
Discovering Nature:
In the woods and fields, the farm also harbors various wildlife habitats and natural plantings. You'll findf rog and fish ponds, occupied bird houses, rock gardens, bog plantings, border collies, a rare stand of northern bamboo and more. There are tables with umbrellas and benches for your picnics.
Puppy Gael when she was just a young-un
In just corner of one of our beds the amazing diversity of daylilies is exhibited.
Talls, eyed, reds and different seasons all crowded together.
Olallie Christopher
Jasper and Molly handweed
the beds in June
Color catalogs, field guides and fresh cut flowers at Olallie
Olallie entrance sign
The Garden House
Our Garden House is our summer base of operations. It is a simple post and beam structure built by a local carpenter. Start there for help, our catalog, brochures, field map or just as a meeting place.
Great Reasons to Grow Daylilies
Long Lived
Daylilies are among the longest-lived garden plants.
Easy to increase
You can easily propagate daylilies, producing additional plants for your garden.
Trouble free
Daylilies are low maintenance plants and are easy to grow. Few pests bother them.
Because of their amazing root structure and winter dormancy,daylilies are forgiving growers even in the most adverse conditions.
Daylilies thrive in moist conditions, yet they are ranked as one of the top five drought resistant plants. Daylilies bloom best infull sun but will perform well in partly sunny locations as well.
Great Reasons to Order From Us
Organic Plants
Our plants are field grown, fertilized with compost and organic solutions and hand weeded without herbicides or pesticides.
Hardy Plants
Our plants are proven hardy in our rugged cold climate where they thrive, even with no protective mulch.
Healthy Plants
Daylily rust, a new leaf disease, has been spreading in someZone 7 or warmer gardens. We have never had rust. Our Zone 4 winters prevent rust from establishing.
Fresh Plants
On shipping day your plants are dug, hand rinsed, packed, and shipped. We ship at the beginning of the week to ensure that plants arrive as quickly as possible.
Hands-on attention
As business owners with over 25 years of horticultural experience, we are involved in every step of your order.
Information and support
Our catalog and website are packed with information. Instructions for easy care and cultivation are included in everyorder. We welcome phone calls, too.
Tradition and experience
We are the largest and longest operating daylily nursery in Vermont. With over ten acres under cultivation, we grow over 2000 different daylily cultivars.
Breeders and growers
As members of the Daylily Society we are actively involved inall aspects of daylily culture and breeding and keep abreast of daylily developments and trends.