A mass of blooms! Early June 2016. The purple is a couple of Siberian iris blooming with the daylilies. These plants are also prolific seed setters producing hundreds of seeds each year.
This group of approximately one hundred different varieties has been growing here at Olallie Daylily Gardens for years. No photo-documentation exists, but it seems likely that these were planted in the late 1980's.
The plants have been growing in this one location for years. they are amazingly weed resistant and have grown into dense clumps. the whole mass is approximately 35 feet on a side.
The daylily blooms vary greatly. There is of course a range of colors from gold to yellow, orange red and color mixes. Bicolor, Eyezone and other patterns appear.
There is also a fair amount of bloom shape variation too. Including spider, trumpet, open star, large and miniature.
The foliage varies from light green to a shiny blue green.
This year (2016) This early mix was in strong bloom by June 6th. Many more plants have yet to bloom but there is a good show already.
Here the variation is obvious. Shades of red, yellow and gold can be seen. On the left on second row are two nocturnal blooms that are just starting to open.
And here a mix of Siberian Iris and the Early mix makes for a spectacular show!