Peak Season is always an amazing time. each year the daylilies do something different as the color mixes change depending on what's out when. All the rain has just made everything bloom with extra vigor it seems.

A Heartnut (Juglans species) frames bed 2 and bed 10 and the vista out towards the barn.


Purple leaf Kale and miscanthus grass make wonderful accents to the daylilies.


Lemon Mint (yellow) and Prairie Porcelain, make an amazing show together!


Outrageous Lavender: A mix of colors with loads of buds.


Purple basil and Spicy Globe Basil add interesting textures to the edges of the daylily beds.


I never thought I'd like Zinnias, but I'm a convert now. They are easy to grow and last for a really long time as a cut flower.

Annual Poppies are fun to grow too. Papaver somniferum comes in a variety of colors and can seed in even here in Vermont.


Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) and Ornamental Japanese Corn make great contrast plants.


Well these are just Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli and Cabbage, but there is something eye catching about the the mass of blue green foliage.